Holy Cross Bookstore Hosts Book Launch Event

Holy Cross Bookstore recently hosted a celebratory event to mark the publication of the third volume in the series Encountering Women of Faith. This series has been created, developed, and edited by Dr. Presvytera Kyriaki Karidoyanes FitzGerald. Dr. FitzGerald is an Adjunct Professor of Theology at Holy Cross, as well as co-founder and Executive Director of Saint Catherine’s Vision (SCV), a pan-Orthodox, non-profit organization blessed with the official endorsement of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America. SCV consists of women theologians and others dedicated to addressing contemporary concerns from an Orthodox Christian perspective. Like the first two volumes, Volume III was written collaboratively by a diverse group of contributors, each of whom focuses on a particular female saint with whom the author feels strong personal engagement.
Rev. Dr. Thomas FitzGerald, Interim Dean of Holy Cross, represented His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, Interim President of Hellenic College Holy Cross. He welcomed the capacity audience and read aloud the dedication to Dr. Lewis Patsavos, distinguished and beloved Professor Emeritus of Canon Law at Holy Cross. The program continued with an overview of the book by Dr. Kyriaki FitzGerald and thought-provoking comments by four of the other contributors about how the lives of the saints they chose to write about have resonated with them. The final speaker was Dr. Patsavos, reflecting with admiration on the work of Saint Catherine’s Vision and with gratitude for the honor of having the latest volume dedicated to him.
All three volumes of Encountering Women of Faith are available from Holy Cross Bookstore (www.holycrossbookstore.com).
To view a video of the event, click here.